Wednesday 23 November 2011

Two steps forward...

Two steps back? My right implant is still riding very high on my chest wall, the bronchitis I have is also not helping as the coughing is tightening the already very tight muscle gripping my implant!

Iv taken the decision to start wearing my chest band again to try and help it shift down a little, I'm crossing my fingers for this to help. I still have quite severe rib pain too, it's all still quite painful. My skin is really very dry on my breasts/especially my nipples, no matter what creams I put on they stay dry, I know this is my constant wearing of my bra so I'm not too worried.

No pictures as there's no change really.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Boobie update...

So, I'm still in pain, still can't get fifth gear, still can't Reach high shelves...

However, I went bra-less on Saturday to a wedding and although I had to unzip every hour or so and release the boobies, I felt good. It was the first time I have ever confidently gone without a bra. My boobs on Sunday were terrible though, swollen and so painful that I couldn't touch them, I left the wedding relatively early (near on midnight) due to the pain, bra-lessness doesn't go without it's problems at this stage!

I can now sleep on my side (if I pack my boobs with the duvet!) I can hug people and feel pretty ok.

My right breast still hasn't dropped and still looks a little strange.

So, all things considered I'm feeling pretty good. I'd love to wear a pretty bra though!

Wondering if I can manage a massage this week...hmm

Thursday 10 November 2011

Why don't consultants say what you want them to?

I pondered this as I left The hospital this evening, I wanted him to tell me everything would be ok and wave some sort of wand...

What he actually told me was this;

My right breast has a normal amount of swelling and my implant still being quite stuck to my chest wall is normal. My pain level is also normal at 6 weeks. My left breast which had to undergo a little more reconstruction has dropped and my implant is very mobile, this isn't as normal but isn't bad. My muscle isn't gripping the implant on that side so hard. So, I asked which breast was the most like my expected outcome; the right answer was the left one and that's the one he said!

My nipples are quite low still though, he seemed to think he had told me he was doing a full mastopexy, in actual fact he told me he would move my nipples up using local anaesthetic. I don't want a mastopexy really, he had written in the notes that he just wanted to adjust my nipple too! Odd that he didn't remember - am I that forgettable?!

I'm feeling much better today and have popped a little bronzer on from Image Skincare, it's a clinician only product and I must say, I really do like it!

Here's today's pics;

Ooo I have just realised I have abs again!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

I'm not sure what's happened but...

As it says, I'm not sure what has happened but my breasts look odd. I'm really unhappy, really depressed about them. I'm still in lots of pain, my right breast is still very swollen and I absolutely hate the shape of it. My nipple is so low I feel like a ninety year old woman.

So, I don't think I will escape without having my nipples moved up, which is a shame.

I see the consultant tomorrow, perhaps he can shed some light on why they look so weird, are still really swollen and why I'm in so much pain. I still can't sleep on my back, my bra still rubs my suture lines so I have to wear gauze over them and I feel crap.

Here's some pictures, enjoy. (crappy 6week birthday to my boobies)

Thursday 3 November 2011

Feeling better

I'm feeling better, hence the lack of blogs, I really have nothing much to say currently.

I'm slightly swollen still, in pain at times, can't lift my arms above my head for long periods but, I'm feeling good. Looking forward to eventually taking this sports bra off and getting something sexy and lacy on to show off the new additions!

Another week and I go back to see the surgeon. He's on holiday, I could do with some sunshine on my new breasts!