Saturday 27 August 2011

Got a dress!

Brilliant news, I found a dress yesterday which I'll wear to my brothers wedding (11 days post op)

It's navy blue, from French connection, high necked and very fitted, I (hope I) look like a blonde Victoria Beckham! I shall get a hat I think...

The search has been so hard as I'll still be wearing a chest strap at that point and won't be able to remove it but didn't want it on show...

I miss living in Manchester, totally still my favourite city in the UK - favourite city in the world is Las Vegas!

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Tuesday 23 August 2011

Make your body healthy - part 2

Ok, so my first attempt at making my body healthy was a complete fail! I read all about how, whilst eating complete rubbish and doing no exercise! I even have my vitamins etc on the bedside table and still havnt taken them...

So, from today I will attempt to be healthier - biscuits and coffee are ok tho yes?

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Friday 5 August 2011

I have my date!

So, I saw a few other surgeons but only liked one of them, I'm not going to name names but he is rather knowledgable and put me totally at ease. Luckily I didn't take the boy to my booking appointment where he went through all the gory details of the operation (even I went a little green!)

My date is the 27th September, yes thats right 53 sleeps... terrifying! Within this time I will also be moving house (1st week in September), moving one of the businesses from the shop to an office and then 11 days after my op my little baby brother is getting married! Hectic...just how I like it!

So now, I am scouring the internet for "how to make your body healthy for an operation" and asking myself why I feel like this, I know how to make my body healthy, we all do really, it's just whether we do it or not! I have chosen (for the past couple of years) to do no exercise (walking around shops doesn't count does it?) and eat whatever I feel like, I am currently the fattest I have ever been and not overly impressed with myself. I feel that taking everyone else on my journey should help with my motivation... well, I'm just letting others down if I don't succeed aren't I?

So off we go on my healthy trip, to make my body a temple and to prepare it for my operation.

Well, I have finally gone and done it...

Here we are, at the start of my journey. Let me introduce myself, I am Jen, a 30 something
Nurse from West Yorkshire, some of you may know me as friends or clients of one of my businesses; or or you may have just stumbled in... if so, hello and welcome :o)

I have worked in cosmetic surgery for many years and know so much, of course, none of this applies to me in my current situation because as soon as it is yourself - you forget everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!

I have had my implants in from September 2000, when I was a little (read a lot) thinner and a little (read a lot) fitter and healthier. its not that I am unhealthy per se, its just that I like cakes and sweeties and eating out, oh and cocktails, don't forget cocktails.

Since having my implants I have, since October 2010, developed a Capsular Contraction in both breasts. Now, this is quite painful and very annoying as I am in a lot of pain, my breasts are totally solid, and worst of all I have to sleep in a sports bra (NOT the sexiest item of clothing in the world)

So here it begins, I have seen a few surgeons and booked in with what I think was the nicest so lets see...