Friday 5 August 2011

Well, I have finally gone and done it...

Here we are, at the start of my journey. Let me introduce myself, I am Jen, a 30 something
Nurse from West Yorkshire, some of you may know me as friends or clients of one of my businesses; or or you may have just stumbled in... if so, hello and welcome :o)

I have worked in cosmetic surgery for many years and know so much, of course, none of this applies to me in my current situation because as soon as it is yourself - you forget everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!

I have had my implants in from September 2000, when I was a little (read a lot) thinner and a little (read a lot) fitter and healthier. its not that I am unhealthy per se, its just that I like cakes and sweeties and eating out, oh and cocktails, don't forget cocktails.

Since having my implants I have, since October 2010, developed a Capsular Contraction in both breasts. Now, this is quite painful and very annoying as I am in a lot of pain, my breasts are totally solid, and worst of all I have to sleep in a sports bra (NOT the sexiest item of clothing in the world)

So here it begins, I have seen a few surgeons and booked in with what I think was the nicest so lets see...

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