Friday 5 August 2011

I have my date!

So, I saw a few other surgeons but only liked one of them, I'm not going to name names but he is rather knowledgable and put me totally at ease. Luckily I didn't take the boy to my booking appointment where he went through all the gory details of the operation (even I went a little green!)

My date is the 27th September, yes thats right 53 sleeps... terrifying! Within this time I will also be moving house (1st week in September), moving one of the businesses from the shop to an office and then 11 days after my op my little baby brother is getting married! Hectic...just how I like it!

So now, I am scouring the internet for "how to make your body healthy for an operation" and asking myself why I feel like this, I know how to make my body healthy, we all do really, it's just whether we do it or not! I have chosen (for the past couple of years) to do no exercise (walking around shops doesn't count does it?) and eat whatever I feel like, I am currently the fattest I have ever been and not overly impressed with myself. I feel that taking everyone else on my journey should help with my motivation... well, I'm just letting others down if I don't succeed aren't I?

So off we go on my healthy trip, to make my body a temple and to prepare it for my operation.

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