Friday 30 September 2011

Backwards, a little

So, Today I left the house which involved getting dressed... I put on a brand new bra (shocked it contained the baldies tbh but still) when I got back I took off the bra and noticed a little blood type discharge on it, being a nurse I sniffed it and came to the conclusion it didn't smell right, so here I am waiting for the on call doctor at the hospital to come and see me.

The really nice doctor saw me and said my wounds looked nice (owen disagreed!) and changed my analgesia as iv been constantly nauseus since leaving hospital. It's the same on call doctor for next ten days so that's good for continuity of care if I'm

So, I don't have an infection, at the moment

This is my "nice" scar...

Do I or don't I?

Iv just taken off the sports bra iv been wearing today and it smells a little odd where it's been sat along my suture line...

Do I call the hospital and ask for a course of antibiotics to be on the safe side?

Owen just took a pic of my suture line but I just can't tell...

Venturing out

I went out of the house! I went to the hairdressers (very important) for a blow dry, feel a little nauseous now though, not sure why, the nausea is quite annoying actually.

I have lovely hair now though, that will make me feel better!

Thursday 29 September 2011


Yesterday I ate hardly anything, I felt sick any time I even thought about it. Seemingly now I have my pain completely under control, I want to eat. Just put my order in; hot buttered White toast and jam with a cup of tea! Hurry up!

My range of movement this morning is pretty good, and although my back is quite sore from being propped up to sleep, I'm feeling pretty good. I slept on and off overnight waking at the exact times to take analgesia, this appears to have helped.

And finally... My breasts appear to be taking on a kind of more normal shape today! Brilliant! I was trying not to get too scared or too "what have I done?" as I knew this would happen! It's quite a relief honestly, I really feel like iv turned a corner today.

Later I'm going to attempt to get my hair done at the hairdressers and need to get car tax for the chrysler (forgot to get before I went to hospital - silly!) then I think I'll stare at my new boobs all day... Or maybe do something less odd!

Lovely day

What a lovely day. Got my pain under control at around 2pm, had some mashed potato and cheese and then had a bath (just my bottom half obviously) felt a little brighter so got dressed (everything is quite tight!) and went and sat in the garden for a short time.

Back in bed now, feeling rather exhausted but knowing that I'm doing better every day. Going to attempt to get to hairdressers tomorrow as my hair is coated in betadine, theatre aren't careful are they!

Still pretty bruised and battered but feeling better, I think!

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My boobs look like two bald men in sweat bands.. I'm a little concerned I shouldn't have gone so big! I had 300cc's over the muscle taken out and now have 445cc's under the muscle (well, I say muscle...)

Good morning - bad nytol

I followed everyone's advice and got Owen to nip out and get me some nytol. I really wish I hadn't! I had the worst night of "sleep" until it wore off! My eyes wouldn't open and my limbs wouldn't move but I was awake - I thought for ages I'd slipped into a coma! Also the most terrifying nightmares ever - definitely not taking that again!

When it wore off I got some ok sleep, pain is vaguely controlled with tramadol (which initially gives me flicky strobing eyes) and Paracetamol. I'm still quite swollen too, the worst thing however is, my back is killing from sleeping so upright!

I'm moving a little easier too, poor Owen is exhausted and sleeping next to me - now where is the nurse call bell in this house (or does the nurse just have to call?)

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Home I go!

Decided that as I felt lots better I should go home, so I told the nurse this and she spoke to my consultant who just said "she's a nurse, she knows what she's doing" yes, yes fabulous

Big bag of tramadol sweeties for me :o)

Bumpy ride in the car though, Kirklees really need to sort their roads out!

Can't wait to get home and walk around naked! You just can't do that in hospital can you?!

Feeling more human <with pics>

So, this morning I felt shocking, terrified of going home, thinking I was always going to be in this pain and not sleeping ever again...

I was sick when the kitchen lady was going through the lunch menu and specials (the food is lovely honestly!) it took a while for that nausea to dissipate and after a snooze, Owen came and I had a small amount of jacket potato and some more analgesia, I actually now (15:45) feel human again and would really like to go home!

Now, do I ask if I can go home or just wait for the consultant to come around first thing and leave then? Decisions,decisions

My whole upper body is becoming a rather fetching shade of black now...

Not going home

Consultant did rounds and said I can't go home as my pain is still not at all controlled...

I ate my breakfast, then my breakfast came straight back up, which is annoying

Morphine is still making me itch... Might try to go to sleep for a bit

Tuesday 27 September 2011


I'm awake (pain woke me up again) really worried when consultant comes round at 745-8am he will discharge me without my pain under control.... He won't do that will he?

Pain... Like iv never felt before

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not an "I'm in pain" type of person... Until now! Oh my actual god, I feel like iv been hit by a bus and then kicked repeatedly until I can't move!

Breasts are soft but bruising is coming out quite badly, he wasn't wrong when he said he was gona knock me around-I think he must have kicked me round the floor in theatre!

I'm really scared I'll be in pain like this at home as they still don't seem to be able to control it, pink was right when she said the morphine itches! I even had a sleeping tablet... It didn't work

I just got the "everything seems worse in the middle of the night" chat from the nurse, to me everything seems worse when you're in this much uncontrolled pain!

Can't sleep, won't sleep <pics again>

Well, I have new boobies, and I am exhausted with all the pain, had totally forgotten how bad the pain was, and then the nausea too...

I'm sat up utilising the electronic bed (wonder if i can take it home?) everytime I press the tea lady button she never comes... Annoying eh

Might get them to bring me sleeping tablets... I doubt I'll be able to sleep naturally with this pain.

My skin is turning a rather bizarre navy colour... Attractive

Another pic of my rather oddly shaped and squished boobs!

Post op... <pic so don't click if you don't wana see>

I was second on the list, so it's all over now.

Gassed to sleep and woke up
nicely without being sick. I'd been given a hefty amount of morphine so my face was quite itchy!

Back into my room and back to Owen who was waiting patiently for my return. Pain took a very very long time to get under control and I am still in a considerable amount of pain now.

Had more analgesia and anti emetics and had some hot buttered white toast with jam and a cup of tea. That helped me feel more human!

A hastily taken pic from under my gown!

Monday 26 September 2011

Operation day

So, no sleep last night, I can't think straight, I have lion hair and no make up on, but in a few hours time I'll have new boobies :oD

Scared doesn't even cover how I feel right now! The sample of urine that they do hcg on is staring at me... I'll be mortified if I'm pregnant (I think that's where the stress is coming from mostly!)

I can't find the nail polish remover... I got it specially too... Wonder which box it's in? House is half unpacked, if I can't find things when I get home I'll just buy new!

I can hear the nurses having a cup of tea... *cry*

Friday 16 September 2011

Pre op assessment

Today I went to the hospital for my pre op assessment, apparently the surgeon had forewarned the nurse that it would be a quickie as I knew everything...

Who was he kidding?

Lots of dumb questions asked by myself... Can I have gas before they put cannula in as I'm needle phobic? (only phobic of needles going into me!) can I have a spare chest strap as I'm going to my brothers wedding? Can I go to theatre early as I'll faint if I don't eat? Can I have a mars bar post op? Can my OH stay in my room as he makes me feel better...

The question that got glossed over was probably the most important; how much aftercare do I get with this fixed price? I understand CC isn't covered but I assumed lifetime for everything else... She wouldn't confirm. I'll ask the surgeon...

11 sleeps. . .

Monday 12 September 2011


I got the last few "essentials" today... Sports bra, new bathrobe (mine is covered in make up and it's too cold to start washing it!) undergarment thing for under my dress for brothers wedding (it's like a sports bra but a short underskirt with suspender clips... It's rather cool, I shall definitely wear as outerwear)

It got me thinking actually... I actually want my boobs to look fake this time... How weird is that?

Monday 5 September 2011

Monday, Monday

Every Monday I have an upset tummy, well not every Monday, just recently. I'm starting to feel very stressed though, hoping to complete on house on Friday so I have enough time to unpack before my op on the 27th...

22 days and counting! Arggghhhh