Friday 16 September 2011

Pre op assessment

Today I went to the hospital for my pre op assessment, apparently the surgeon had forewarned the nurse that it would be a quickie as I knew everything...

Who was he kidding?

Lots of dumb questions asked by myself... Can I have gas before they put cannula in as I'm needle phobic? (only phobic of needles going into me!) can I have a spare chest strap as I'm going to my brothers wedding? Can I go to theatre early as I'll faint if I don't eat? Can I have a mars bar post op? Can my OH stay in my room as he makes me feel better...

The question that got glossed over was probably the most important; how much aftercare do I get with this fixed price? I understand CC isn't covered but I assumed lifetime for everything else... She wouldn't confirm. I'll ask the surgeon...

11 sleeps. . .

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