Tuesday 25 October 2011

Happy birthday Boobies - 1 month old today!

28 days ago my breasts looked like this;

I had bilateral grade 3/4 Capsular Contraction after having my breasts originally augmented in September 2000. Originally I had 300cc over the muscle implants and was able to look after myself quite easily, this time it's been a little harder.

I'm not sure if it has been harder because I'm 10 years older now, much less fit, and iv turned into a moany old lady!

The implants which i have now are high profile 445cc and are placed under the muscle. I didn't realise how much difference the placement of the implants would make to my pain levels and recovery. I still can't sleep, I am still in constant pain (however refusing to take analgesia!) and they are still swollen at some points during the day (usually when I do too much!) I'm actually quite shocked and would love to apologise to all of my cosmetic surgery patients who i have shouted at for being silly at this point!

My breasts, to me, look amazing. They still havnt dropped properly so I still don't know if I need a nipple uplift or not. Suture lines are looking ok, I'd prefer the redness to go but I think my body is feeling a little tired so isn't healing as quickly. The depression that I had for the past 7-10 days has also lifted a little, I think it may be the pain and lack of sleep that cause this. I still can't get fifth gear when driving, this is annoying!

Here's a few pictures I took this morning of my month old breasts;

Left suture line;

Right suture line;

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