Sunday 9 October 2011

So,I tried to rest...

I tried to rest, I really did, however minikitty kept being sick so had to take her to the cat hospital and they kept her in, which has unsettled Briancat completely.

I spent part of the day baking with my gorgeous other half, and we sat and watched a film.

I'm still feeling pretty swollen, however I can see my nipples again now (the top bits of my breast swelled so much my nipples weren't visible) and I can get my chest strap on fully for bed - I know, I know, I don't need it any more but it's a bit like a security blanket!

Iv just taken the tegaderm off my right suture line (and given myself a wax in the process!) and popped a bit of sterile gauze onto the area, I think the antibiotics may not work as well if I'm keeping all that smelly bacteria on the wound. It's a little itchy but I think that may just be my body reacting to the tegaderm, it doesn't do well with tapes/plaster.

I'm hoping that it has settled by the morning, wish I could put my hand on that "ster-zac" sterile powder we used to have as district nurses, that would help I think, I healed all of my piercings with it!

Rest tomorrow, I promise. I have no petrol and no way of getting any as I can't lift the nozzle so I shall stay in the house and rest, do nothing, might potter a bit (whatever that is!)

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